Updated September 2022
All Children (Except Nursery) are expected to wear school uniform;
- Black, Navy or Grey Trousers / Skirt / Shorts or green summer dress
- White, Navy or Jade Polo Shirt
- School Jumper / Cardigan with School Logo
- Appropriate Black School Shoes
- School PE Kit (Jade T-shirt with logo, navy football shorts or navy tracksuit bottoms, trainers)
Non branded uniform can be purchased from local shops / online.
Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and PE kits bearing our Thropton logo can be purchased from school.
We ask that children own at least one jumper / cardigan with logo, for use on school outings.
A plastic box located in the shelter in the car park has used / unwanted school uniform available free of charge to parents.
The RSPCA charity shop in Rothbury is accepting donations of school wear, and available to re-purchase.