Thropton Village First School
School Address
Thropton Village First School
NE65 7JD
01669 620 297
If you have a speech or hearing impairment, you can contact us by dialling
018001 01670 513 582.
Executive Headteacher
Mr Liam Murtagh
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Flora Whitfield
Mrs Flora Whitfield
Administration Assistants
Katherine Singer and Michaela Calder
Cheviot Learning Trust
Mrs Alice Witherow – Chief Executive Officer of Cheviot Learning Trust
Chair of the School Governing Body
Mrs Judith Carr
Chair of the Board
Paul Carvin
Contact via Fiona Ewart:
Cheviot Learning Trust,
Sir Bobby Robson House,
Esh Plaza,
Sir Bobby Robson Way,
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE13 9BA
The majority of our communications are distributed electronically. If you would specifically like a hard copy (which will be provided by the school free of charge), please contact school, using the details above.
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