Here at Thropton Village First School we have a very active and enthusiastic ‘Friends’ group, whose purpose is to organise fundraising and social activities for children and their parents.
All parents of children at the school are automatically ‘Friends’ and we encourage as many people as possible to come along to our termly meetings and share their ideas, skills and enthusiasm.
If you are a new parent to the school, or your child has been here a little while but you have never been to a Friends meeting before, please consider coming along. Grandparents and other carers are very welcome too! Meetings are very relaxed and informal, and are a great way to get to know other parents.
Friends of Thropton Village First School is headed by a committee comprising of both parent volunteers and members of staff, who are elected annually at our AGM. Our committee members for this academic year are:
- Chair: Ellen Wood (Abigail’s Mum)
- Vice Chair: Flora Whitfield (Assistant Headteacher)
- Treasurer: Katherine Singer (Sophie’s Mum)
- Secretary: Katherine Singer
- School Liaison: Miss Cann
If you would like to find out more please feel free to contact Ellen Wood or the school office.
Our Annual Events include:
- Thropton Village Show
- Movie Nights
- Scooter Nights
- Disco’s
- Christmas Shopping Night
- Refreshments stall at our Christmas Play
- Easter Fair
- Refreshments stall at our Sports Day
- Sponsored Walk