Read Write Inc. Phonics teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step-by-step.
Three weekly sessions of ‘Read, Write, Inc Phonics’ are delivered each week from Nursery upwards in ability groups, not age defined groups. These groupings change half termly after small assessments are completed. All of our teachers and teaching assistants have completed the appropriate Read, Write, Inc training.
- Nursery Session
- Ditties Group
- Ditties Group
- Ditties Group
- Orange Group
- Orange Group
- Blue Group
- Blue Group
Once children no longer need the Read, Write, Inc programme they move into a guided reading group where a shared text is used.

Pupils follow the RWI Book bag reading programme which links with our phonics scheme.This scheme is individually tailored for each pupil to make sure they are reading a book at an appropriate level which is challenging yet accessible. Regular reading records are completed and children progress through the different colours at their own pace. Once children have completed the scheme, they move onto ‘free readers’ which they select for themselves from a range of age appropriate books.
Across the school reading challenges are used to encourage children to read more at home.
- Piglets
- Adventurers
- Piglets
- Adventurers
Please find following links to help parents at home with the Read Write Inc programme.
Parent Video: How to say the sounds